• E-books, audio books

  • DVDs / Blu-Ray

  • Museum Passes

  • WiFi (hotspot located outside building, allowing for use beyond library hours)

  • Computers for internet access

  • Weekly children’s storytime

  • Monthly youth STEM/STEAM activities

  • Summer reading program

  • Notary services



The Cheshire Public Library has been serving our small Berkshire County town of Cheshire for over 125 years. With the library’s comparatively modest 3-room physical space in the historic Cheshire Town Hall building, we offer our own book collection as well as resources available through the inter-loan library service and passes to local museums. For younger patrons, we provide a weekly children’s storytime, a monthly youth STEM activity, and a summer reading program. As the town sits on the Appalachian Trail’s corridor and the library is located within steps of the trail, we welcome hikers to use our WiFi and other services.


The Cheshire Public Library is a full member of the Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource System (C/WMARS). We are fully certified by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and meet or exceed all requirements to receive modest annual state funding. Funding support for our STEM/STEAM program is provided by a grant from General Dynamics. Some of our other programs are made possible by grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. The library is governed by the Cheshire Library Association and its Board of Trustees, and we are financially supported by the Town of Cheshire, various grants, and private donations.


Jennifer Luitjens


Christine Emerson

Jennifer Mirke


Mary Ellen Baker

John Bianchi

Suzanne Boyle

Aimee Casey

Karen Drain, Chair

Christine Emerson, Treasurer

Heather Emerson

Robert Galisa

Diane Hitter